Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My first ever blog!!

I have just read everyones contribution to this so far & am impressed.
I have been looking forward to this trip ever since I commited to go.
I went to Delhi last summer with the BMS on a church team & the experience changed my outlook on life. It also 'grew' my faith more than I imagined could happen. So I know that things will change for me again, particularly as Glen & Chris are coming too. (I wish Laura was coming but university commitments are important to her at present. Another time maybe.) This time on my return I'll be able to share with people about experiences more easily because it will be shared with family members.
I know God has some new things for me to learn whilst we're away.
This morning I woke early with a great anxiety which I couldn't explain & have not had before. After praying about it the feeling lifted & now I feel a great peace. I can't say what that was about, but I am thankful to God for answered prayer.
Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday.


Jo said...
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Jo said...

Hi Alison, and welcome to the world of blogging....

I hope and pray that you do not get a return of the sense of anxiety, though it is not unusual to have that on the run up to a mission trip like this.... Howwill I cope with a different culture, how will we gel, how will people react to us....

But we go with God and in God and through God and for God. We are going to serve people, and as you know, having been to India, that is a wonderful privilege, but there are often unexpected bonuses from it, unexpected and unlooked for "rewards" (that is the wrong word, but it is still early, and I am semi jetlagged!!)

To quote the motto of the Jamaican Bob Sleigh team (see "Cool Runnings"):

"Peace be your journey!"
